1. Here IGI means Indian Gemological Identification and Client means the Person/Firm/Institution who produces their Gem /Jewellery/item / article for identification / purity determination.
2.The IGI provides the Gem/Jewellery item/article Identification / Purity determination report at a relatively small fee in compared to the present and potential value of the article(s) described on them only because these reports are subject to the following limitations . All the limitations apply to the Client for whom the report is prepared and to all other persons to whom the report may distributed, shown or transformed.
3.The client agrees to be responsible for, and hold IGI harmless from any of its injury, loss, damage or destruction of the article(s) entrusted for the examination while in possession of IGI, resulting from any cause.
4.IGI and its employees/staff/member shall not be liable for any damage, or expenses for any error in, or omission from any report, or for its issuance or use even if caused by, or resulting from the proven negligence or other fault of IGI or any of its staff member, during the possession and/or examination of the article.
5.IGI shall not be liable for special or consequential damages for any error in, or omission from any report, or for its issuance or use, even if advised for the possibility of such damage.
6.In case of loss of the article(s), while kept in possession of IGI for identification/purity determination purpose, IGI is only liable to refund the fee it charges for the Identification/purity determination of that particular item.
7.IGI will produce the report based on the results after the examination, analysis, grading of the article(s) in its lab equipments only. Reports issues are not guaranteed, valuations or apparaisals and IGI makes no representation or warranty regarding the reports issued or the articles described in them. Each report contains a descriptions of the article(s) tested based upon tests and technique used by IGI at the time of examination.
8.Any complain/dispute regarding the article(s) or report will be entertained only if it is reported and registered at the time of delivery of the article(s) and/or Identification/Purity Report at the office of IGI.
9.All disputes will be subjected to solve in the office of IGI only.
10.No any Legal activity will be applicable from the side of client to IGI or to any of its staff member.